Mobile Application Testing

Mobile Application Testing

Mobile application testing is crucial to the success of your app. It helps you identify and rectify any functional and security issues that might be present in your app.

This way, you can release a seamless, high-performing, and secure app to the public, reducing the risk of intrusions and improving user experience. By conducting thorough testing, you can ensure that your mobile app is ready for the market and that your users are protected.

What Is Mobile Application Testing?

To ensure the security and performance of your mobile application, we follow a comprehensive approach to mobile application testing. Our tests are based on the guidelines and protocols set by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Mobile Security Project, ensuring that your app is tested against the latest security risks and vulnerabilities.

In addition to OWASP protocols, we also perform a mobile application penetration test to identify any potential security weaknesses that can be exploited. Our team of security experts will attempt to “hack” your app and if successful, provide you with specific recommendations and guidelines on how to improve the security of your app.

Furthermore, our testing process also includes a real-world simulation of how your app will be used. We test all of your app’s functions to identify any potential glitches and malfunctions, and provide you with a report of our findings along with suggestions on how to fix them.

Our comprehensive approach to mobile application testing – OWASP protocols, mobile application penetration testing, and real-world simulation – ensures that your app is stress-tested and secure, delivering the best possible experience to your customers.

How Does Mobile Application Testing Work?

To put it in simple terms, Mobile Application Testing is a process that aims to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your app.

Our experts will perform thorough testing, using various techniques and methods, to simulate real-world usage scenarios and detect any issues that might arise. During the testing, we’ll provide detailed feedback and guidance on how to improve both the functionality and security of your app. The goal is to ensure that your app is user-friendly and secure for your end-users.

With the information gathered from our tests, you can make necessary adjustments to your code and launch a robust, high-performing app with confidence.

How Can Mobile Application Testing Help My Company?

At 100% Security Labs, we understand the importance of releasing a high-quality, secure app.

With the increasing threat of cyber attacks, it’s crucial that your app is tested for potential vulnerabilities before it reaches the public. That’s where we come in. Our team of experts will thoroughly evaluate your app, using the latest testing methodologies and standards, to identify any operational defects, bugs or security issues that could compromise your app’s performance or the privacy of your customers’ data.

By catching these problems early, you can avoid negative reviews and frustrated customers, while ensuring that your app is secure and meets the expectations of your users. Furthermore, a successful app release with a strong reputation will help build trust in your brand and protect your company’s reputation.

Trust us to help you release a top-performing, secure app.


Our virtual CISO solution provides your business with professional, expert support for your information security needs.

Our team handles all necessary security management tasks, giving you peace of mind and freeing up valuable time and resources to focus on what matters most – driving your business forward and achieving your goals.

Trust us to keep your business and its assets secure.

Are you ready for GDPR?

GRPR Checklist

  • Raise Awareness
  • Perform a data audit
  • Communicate Clearly to Data Subjects
  • Consider the Purpose of Data Collection
  • Understand Data Subjects Rights
  • Provide Data Portability
  • Conduct Data Protection Impact Assessments
  • Adhere to Data Processing Systems and Security by Design
  • Create or Refine Reactive Policies
  • Have a Point of Contact
  • Get Accredited

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with Mobile Application Testing.

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